Jason Brock is doing his 11th annual holiday concert(s) this December! He will be singing your favorite Christmas and winter holiday songs with his signature, soulful style — and a touch of humor on top. This he’s performing the concert in both San Francisco & Tokyo. So come on out, whichever side of the world you’re in!

11th Annual Holiday Show (San Francisco)
Sunday, December 15, 2024, TWO SHOWS: 3pm & 7pm
Martuni’s Piano Bar, 4 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Jason continues his annual tradition of doing holiday concert for Christmas (and whichever holiday you celebrate this time of year)! Come get in the mood for the season of giving, living and loving with Jason and pianist Dee Spencer.

Christmas Concert (Tokyo) クリスマスライブ
Monday, December 23, 2024 月曜日、12月23日2024年
MyScotch Piano Bar, 7-18-11, DM Building, 8th Floor, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan
マイスコッチ、東京都港区六本木7-18-11 DMビル 8F
Jason Brock is back in Tokyo! This time singing Christmas favorites at MyScotch in Roppongi. Come have some drinks and enjoy the show!