Monday, January 20th, Jason Brock is singing for the Richmond Ermet AID Foundation (REAF). He’s singing a big song for the show along with friend, Paula West, and the cast of Some Like It Hot (currently playing at the Orpheum). Get tickets here.
The next show will be with the iconic TIM CURRY and Peaches Christ on Saturday, February 1st with SF Sketchfest. Jason is singing, plus D’arcy Drollinger & Co, The Bawdy Caste, Trixxie Carr, Media Meltdown & The Haus of Cream are all performing, too! This will be amazing. Unfortunately for anyone who wants to go (but fortunately for the show), it’s already SOLD OUT.
Jason has also been confirmed to sing the national anthem for the SF Giants pride day game. Will share more about that closer to the date.
Happy New Year!